Rabu, 19 April 2017

Tugas 2 - Story

It was the letter that changed my whole life....

My parents wanted me to continue my education to college so that I could build my career well when graduated later, initially I do not want because I want to work first, so that I can pay college with my own money. But I changed my mind, finally I went to the University of Gunadarma. When I choose to continue my education to Gunadarma University, that's where I have to dedicate myself to get a degree in economics. Of course to get a bachelor's degree, I have to travel long enough for about four years. There is also a requirement to get the title, namely essay. After my essay in acc by Lecturer, I immediately signed up for the trial. The day of trial was the most stressful time of my life, but when I got a letter stating that I graduated satisfactorily it was a letter that changed my whole life. Because I can realize the expectations and wishes of both my parents as well as a stepping stone to build my career.

Minggu, 09 April 2017

Tugas 1 - Introduction

January 9th, 1996 I was born in Jakarta, my parents gave me name Putri Indah Surya. Puput, Putri, Pujel, or Uut, usually my friends call me. But my family call me Puput. I love to play badminton and volleyball. Grilled fish, grilled chicken, meatballs, is my favorite food.
Graduate on time with a satisfactory score and become a great and professional accountant and worked in the government sector or large enterprises is my ambition.
Hardworking, never give up, and willing hard to achieve this ambition, and loving family is my personality, but I admit I sometimes less careful in acting.